As the year begins, a number of us already have a number of plans and goals for our career, self development e.t.c.

But do you we have health resolutions? Do we deliberately make plans to intentionally work on our health?

Health is wealth and a healthy individual largely has the ability to make wealth. One way to do things differently is to become very deliberate about our health. 2020 revealed the faults and inadequacies of our health care system and those who were able to gainfully fight against diseases did with a good health reserve.

Just like any new year resolution, we need to make a plan/goal to be achieved and intentionally work towards achieving it. Here are some health resolutions we could make.

  1. Fortify yourself with the right information;

We live in a society were information abound, however, the abundance of information doesn’t necessitate its authenticity. A lot of people are misguided because they are continually feeding off wrong health information and in turn, they spread these and begin to inoculate harmful health practice, this, in turn, leads morbidities, late presentation and the list goes on and on.

The importance of having the right health information can’t be overemphasized as it serves as a compass providing you with the latest update on health, risk factors and symptoms of a disease, screening and treatment. All of these cumulate in enhancing your health-seeking behaviour, debunking myths and ensuring one is knowledgeable about ones own health. How to get this right information? Well, if you are reading this then you are in the right place. Other sources include WHO, NCDC, Medscape e.t.c.

In fact, fortifying yourself with the right info will help you vehemently reject those ridiculous WhatsApp Broadcast messages this year and in turn enlighten others on the verified information.

  1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle 

Our bodies are constantly being exposed to factors that can cause diseases. We might not be able to individually prevent a pandemic from happening however ensuring our bodies remain in health is surely a feat we can achieve. A healthy lifestyle encompasses our meal choices, physical activity and mitigating our exposure to risk factors.

According to the WHO, tobacco use, alcohol use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity are major cancer risk factors worldwide and are also the 4 shared risk factors for other non-communicable diseases. These factors are totally things within our control, these we can adjust. It’s no news that excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking does no good to us and those around us. As much as possible reduction and possible cessation of these should be adopted. Harm to oneself is the greatest hurt of all.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle has been perceived to be cumbersome however gradual adjustment to our everyday lifestyle will cumulate in health. This year, inoculate the culture of healthy meals, not a diet but a means of sustainable nutrition. Replace the processed foods, with whole meals, the carbonated drinks with natural fruits, take walks instead of driving short distances, use the stairs instead of the elevator, remember that sitting for prolonged hourly is the new smoking so get active!

  1. Invest in routine test and screening;

The disease doesn’t just happen, there is a gradual process of pathological changes in our body. The goal of screening is to deliberately monitor our health. It’s indeed appalling that people continue to die from diseases that can be totally prevented. One of the greatest investment you can have this year is to set time and money aside to run routine investigations and screening. Different screening tests are available for different age groups. Refer to this post for more details on age-specific screening tests (

However, here some tests should run frequently this year;

Every home should have a blood pressure machine and well as a glucometer, it’s a worthy gift you need to assist in this health journey.


Cover photo: Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay



2 Responses

  1. Well written article; a straight to the point reminder that health is very important as we purse out goals and aspirations this year, deliberate plans need to be taken to keep an healthy lifestyle. Thank you the article.

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