About Us

Medically Speaking Services is registered health communication and digital marketing business bridging the healthcare information gap between the professionals and the public.

We are a reliable plug for verified, highly researched and up-to-date medical information, events, and personnel. We use relatable everyday experiences of Nigerians to tell transformational stories, advocate for better healthcare and influence health policies.

Why Medically Speaking?

Among the many issues plaguing Africans in healthcare, accessibility, affordability and availability stand out, all worsened by poverty and ignorance.

Many Nigerians die daily from preventable diseases, mostly due to poorly informed health choices and health-seeking behaviours or inability to pay for health services.
Statistics show that out of about 200 Million Nigerians, about 118 Million are internet users.
And with the gift of digital technology, has also come, the curse of false information and fake health news. Now more than ever, there is a dire need for reliable health information.

We also know how health-related messages can be perceived as boring and how this is also a challenge for health brands. So we are here to help you find your audience and tailor your
message creatively to suit them. Clear appropriate messages equal to more sales.

Let The Numbers Speak for Themselves

0 +
Satisfied Clients
Years of Experience
Completed Projects

Meet The Team

We are an integrated team of field experts.


Chioma Nwakanma


Chioma is a Nigerian board-certified medical doctor in public health practice, writer, healthcare thought leader and TEDx speaker with years of experience in health education, communication/advocacy, sexual & reproductive health rights, leadership and project management in healthcare. 
See full bio.


Collins Akanno

Chief Technical Officer

Collins is a community nutritionist and tech-driven entrepreneur. He is the founder of Diet234.com. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Imo State University, Nigeria. After which, he obtained a Master Certificate in Programming for Infant and Young Child Feeding from Cornell NutritionWorks, Cornell University.


Joy Aifuobhokan

Content Creator/Editor

Joy has over 6 years of experience in Leadership, Health education, and public speaking. She is the founder of Panacea conglomerate and “Lose it with Joy”. Currently, she is an intern at Medically Speaking Africa, where she focuses on content creation, social media strategy and management for health.


Bella Oluoha

Programmes Director

Bella is a Medical Doctor in training with 5 years experience in community health volunteering, youth leadership and digital marketing. She is an author, thought leader and the founder of BellaBooks, a leading e-bookstore, leveraging on technology to connect world leaders to book resources they need for business, personal and career development.


Wisdom Ngumoha


Wisdom is a medical practitioner and writer. He has a deep desire to educate the public by providing relevant information. He uses storytelling to gain access to social development and to improve the poor health-seeking behaviour of the public. He works as a Clinical intern in one of the health institutions in the country, and with various independent bodies/brands as a content creator. 


Magdalene Kalu


Magdalene has over 7 years of experience in Leadership and Public Speaking. She is currently an Intern at Medically Speaking Africa – a health awareness and educational blog where she serves as a publicist and health content creator. She volunteers her time either an organization she founded “Courageous Me Foundation”, which equips the less privileged kids with education.

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Web Solutions Contract Collins Akanno